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Our Vision


To implement Muni Education Model in every Private and Government School, ensuring that students receive quality education that is a coherent fusion of values and skills, where every child is a change maker, who is universally versatile and can afford to participate, develop, experience and express his or her true purpose of life in creative ways for harmonious co-existential living.


Building human potential by being a partner in the possibility of every child and hence impart its unique transformative learning methodology to every school in the country.

Core Values

Learning to know, Learning to do, Learning to be, Learning to live together - inspired by UNESCO

Muni Model Objectives

To promote self-expression, leadership, empathy, teamwork and creativity

To nurture the unique potential of every child

To provide international standard education at an affordable price

The Muni Model is a set of methods that are conceptualized, designed and tested from 2002 till date by Dr Ashok Kumar Thakur and his team. The Muni Model has now emerged as an integration of 40 proven components after 16 years of dedicated work.

These methods work directly at the mental model level and thus intercept the highest leverage point in the education system! This has inherent potential for non-linear change or disruptive innovation!

Value education makes students understand that purpose of education is to have:

Trust in Self

Trust in relationships

Prosperity in the family

Healthy body

Partnership in the social systems

This understanding makes the students naturally independent.Additionally, education empowers students to refrain from three conservative thoughts of living:

  • A Frenzy for profit-based economics
  • A Frenzy for carnal pleasure-based psychology
  • A Frenzy for pleasure-based sociology.


Our children today face a world that is volatile, uncertain, chaotic and ambiguous (VUCA). The advancement of Artificial Intelligence and Machine language will render a large category of jobs obsolete in the next 15 years.

It is essential that our education methodologies need to gear our children for exponential learning. In short once they really learn to learn they can be prepared for the on-demand, continuous learning of emerging new technologies and the new challenges of a VUCA world. At the same time they need to be STEM and STEAM proficient.

Our RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (R&D) exists, to monitor stumbling blocks or learning obstacles that a student might face as well as teaching methodologies. It also works to find the future needs of our society, our country or the world at large within their respective cultures and traditions.

There are no such rules which work on each person and every time. We are aware that human beings react differently to the same topic at different times. That’s why our focus is on R&D because in the whole of existence as far as we know it, only human beings can be taught and have the capability to acquire knowledge through learning.

To face such a world and to be in line with the sustainable development goals (UN SDG goal 4) of United Nations , universal human values need to be an integral part of our education.UN SDG goal 4 talks about education as one of the most powerful and proven vehicles for sustainable development.In MEM this is woven into the methods. Though the terminology may differ the sensitivity towards sustainability is inculcated in students from a very early stage at the school.

The Muni Education Model facilitates a child to prepare adequately for the approaching future, today. This is through a combination of self-organization, self-management, self-exploration and clarity of understanding one-self in the larger context of co-existence along with the interdependencies and interconnections that make co-existence possible.