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Privacy Policy

Muni charitable foundation is committed to the ethical collection, retention and use of information that you provide to us about yourself ("Personal Information") on this site www.municharitablefoundation.org ("Site")

Your Personal Information may comprise the following:

1. your name

2. your email and mailing address

3. your telephone number

4. your payment processing details

5. limited personal details

The following Privacy Policy sets forth our understanding with you on the collection, use and protection of your Personal Information. Please read the entire Privacy Policy.


1. Site Browsing

1.1 You browse the Site anonymously. We do not require you to identify yourself or reveal any Personal Information while browsing through the Site. However, you may not be able to access certain sections of the Site or interact with us without supplying us with Personal Information. For instance, you would not be able to transact at the Site or make any donations at the Site, without providing the Site with Personal Information.

1.2 While you are browsing through the Site, the Site's operating system may automatically record some general information ("General Information") about your visit such as:

1.2.1. the date and time you visit the Site, along with the address of the previous website you were visiting

1.2.2. if you linked to us from another website

1.2.3. the type of browser you are using (such as Internet Explorer version 'X')

1.2.4. which 'hit' it is on the Site

1.3 The General Information is not Personal Information. Muni charitable foundation tracking system does not record personal information about individuals or link this information to any Personal Information collected from you.

1.4 The General Information is used by Muni charitable foundation for statistical analysis, for tracking overall traffic patterns on the Site and to gauge the public interest in Muni charitable foundation and the Site. Such General Information may be shared by Muni charitable foundation with any person, at Muni charitable foundation' discretion.

2. Usage of Information

2.1 Personal information will be used by Muni charitable foundation for internal purposes including the following.

2.1.1. Sending e-mails and updates, Muni charitable foundation Annual Report, regular updates on the utilization of donations by Muni charitable foundation, appreciation e-mails and other updates.

2.1.2. Processing your donations to Muni charitable foundation

2.1.3. Maintaining an internal confidential database of all the Personal Information collected from donors and prospective volunteers/employees

2.1.4. Evaluating and administering the Site and Muni charitable foundation's activities, responding to any problems that may arise and gauging visitor trends on the Site. Disclosure of Personal Information by Muni charitable foundation

3. Muni charitable foundation, access to Personal Information collected by Muni charitable foundation will be given only to those persons who are authorized by Muni charitable foundation and third parties hired by Muni charitable foundation to perform administrative services.

4. Muni charitable foundation may share Personal Information with any of persons who are associated with Muni charitable foundation, including companies and non-governmental organizations affiliated with Muni charitable foundation in any manner. Muni charitable foundation will retain ownership rights over such information and will share only such portions of the Personal Information as it deems fit.

5. Muni charitable foundation is not liable in any manner whatsoever for the loss, damage (whether direct, indirect, consequential or incidental) or harm caused to you by the misuse of your Personal Information by a third party who is not an employee of Muni charitable foundation.

6. Notwithstanding anything contained herein or any other contract between you and Muni charitable foundation, Muni charitable foundation reserves the right to disclose any Personal Information about you without notice or consent as needed to satisfy any requirement of law, regulation, legal request or legal investigation, to conduct investigations of breaches of law, to protect the Site, to protect Muni charitable foundation and it's property, to fulfill your requests, to protect our visitors and other persons and if required by the policy of Muni charitable foundation.

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Tech For Nation

A School and Student transformation program for Tech For Nation


To provide the benevolent hand holding of deserving yet underprivileged individuals from where they are right now in their lives until they become capable enough to earn their livelihood and engage with society by providing and supporting education that empowers them to achieve this.


To support education for the self-sustenance and eventual prosperity of the underprivileged.


Those benefited by this support structure can be expected to form future communities that will take this work forward with a sense of give back to society.

Project EmFlower

A School and Student transformation program for Social empowerment

Public Private Partnership Model

Public Private Partnership Model is a concept where Government and Private sector engage to work together for a common objective.

Powered by Model

The implementation of Muni Education Model under ‘Powered By Model’ with schools especially private schools is a very powerful and unique way of working together.

Muni Charter Model

The Muni Charter Model is a combination of PPP model and Powered by Model. In simpler terms it’s a franchise model for private schools who wish to implement Muni Methodologies in their schools.