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Muni Education Model methodology

Aiklavya’ Model Answer Pattern Value based Education Evaluation Patterns
Exam Evaluation Guided Discovery HADS Logical Thinking
Primary Parents Monitoring System (PPMS) Progress Chart Research & Development Revival Day
Searching for learning style Situation Creation Syllabus merge UPLC
Buddy System Class Duration Seating arrangement Seating arrangement
Traffic Rules About (Expression) Activity Clubs After I am Educated
Am I Able ? Brain Mapping Career Selection Child Parliamentary System
Employment Skills Group Reciprocal System (GRS) Centre Work Health Plan
Holistic Development Interconnected network Kitchen Garden Oath System
Self-Competitor (A better self) Skills to understand life Socially Strong Habits

MEM has 40 innovative methods which make
Learning to Learn possible



Brief overview of Muni Education Model (MEM)

The 40 innovative breakthrough methodologies weave together life skills, academics and pedagogy, which are at the core of the MEM. Out of 40 Methodologies, 16 pertain to pedagogy, 19 to life skills and 5 to classroom set up.

The model positions the teacher as a facilitator of learning and every child as both, a learner and a teacher. It is based on the premise that knowledge is not the sole bastion of adults. The methodologies also provide foundational as well as operational frameworks to integrate life skills in the overall school system.


Methodology Brief
‘Aiklavya’ Model A unique exponential learning method derived from ancient Indian methodologies adapted to suit the 21st century context. Develops ability to create something new.
Answer Pattern Skills to answer to the point in exams or any similar context and presentation skills
Centre Work Find fusion of subjects in one topic to encourage scientific research and thought process as a group, and develop multiple perspectives
Evaluation Patterns To increase learning efficiency by a unique peer evaluation process derived from an ancient Indian learning process adapted to suit the current context.
Exam Evaluation To self-evaluate problems faced during written exams so that students can improve their ability to write exams.
Guided Discovery Teachers become facilitators and guide students to discover. Fosters imagination, enquiry and self-exploration among students who learn curriculum through dialogue and peer support facilitated by teacher.
HADS Hand writing improvement and learn virtually any language
Logical Thinking To increase logical and analytical reasoning at an early age
Primary Parents Monitoring System (PPMS) Involvement of parents to monitor behavior change in students and to increase mutual understanding
Progress Chart To make students self-evaluate their efficiency and improve incrementally
Research & Development For staying relevant with changing times and assess current and future needs of a child within their context.
Revival Day Developing a culture of experiential knowledge sharing that kindles intrinsic motivation when concepts get transformed to working models through human endeavor.
Searching for learning style Multi learning method to find the best learning way for a child.
Situation Creation To create that one intense moment of interest in a topic. Develops interest of students in a given topic by relating it with everyday life.
Syllabus merge To understand the subject as a whole, even if the contents of a given topic were spread over later years of school. Children do not have to wait to go to a higher class to understand more about the same topic. They can do it anytime they want.
UPLC Self-study method that develops the ability to classify information according to life and academics, in any topic

Class room Setup

Methodology Brief
Buddy System Bully Free Classes. Facilitate true Peer-to-Peer learning
Class Duration Innovative extended class duration to complete a topic and eventually the syllabus.
Seating arrangement Seating arrangement designed for exponential learning
Subject Walls To use the class room as supporting material to create an environment for learning. Class room walls are used as subject walls
Traffic Rules To cultivate the habit of obeying traffic rules

Life Skills

Methodology Brief
Value based Education To experience and gain knowledge of life based on co-existence and to promote intellectual co-operation and mutual understanding to create global citizens.
About (Expression) Self-Expression and Presentation. Express about seen objects and events. Increase ability to express.
Activity Clubs Multiple activities for holistic development. Includes adequate physical activity. Enough opportunities to become aware of one’s talents.
After I am Educated Adopt and apply learning in day to day life. Organizing information in a chapter into 4 levels – to stay healthy, to lead a prosperous life, to feel fulfilled in relationships and to participate in social organization and live in harmony with 4 orders of nature – material, plant, animal and human.
Am I Able ? Inculcates habit of self-evaluation on academic and life levels
Brain Mapping To increase the ability to imagine and visualize. Exploring unseen objects and events.
Career Selection Multi techniques of evaluation. To choose the right path and be able to work with passion and self-satisfaction
Child Parliamentary System To promote individual, collective responsibility and participation
Employment Skills To build skills for self-employment
Group Reciprocal System (GRS) Entrusts students with responsibility to take care of learning within their group as a whole and be compassionate towards members facing difficulties. Promotes exponential learning
Habits Practicing right habits. To cultivate habits that help in leading a harmonious life.
Health Plan Taking personal responsibility of one’s own health from a very early age, knowing very well what to eat.
Holistic Development Activities to develop positive attitude
Interconnected network To understand that existence is in co-existence. To understand interconnection and interdependence of human beings, nature and the universe
Kitchen Garden Nature Proximity. To grow fresh organic vegetables and to build gardening as a skill
Oath System Setting the Context. To make each day better than the previous one and to promote values
Self-Competitor (A better self) To compete with one’s own previous performance
Skills to understand life Self-evaluation to develop capability and adaptability to understand life
Socially Strong A method where students learn to take responsibility and raise their voice against all social odds in class, school, family and society