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CSR Partnership

Public Private Partnership Model

The Public Private Partnership Model, popularly known as PPP Model is a highly effective way of bringing the best of both worlds largely for the benefit of society. The implementation of Muni Education Model in Government schools can be a game changer by bringing about transformation in the entire education system by which society can be immensely benefited.

At present XYZ schools in XZY region have adopted Muni Education methodology under PPP Model. The primary role of Muni Charitable Foundation in PPP model is to implement and monitor the quality of Muni Education Model whereas Government School provides basic infrastructure and teaching staff. However, engagement terms and service offerings carry flexibility to meet the specific requirements of the particular school.

Learn more about PPP model of association by downloading our brochure

Powered by Model

The implementation of Muni Education Model under ‘Powered By Model’ with schools especially private schools is a very powerful and unique way of working together.

As part of the model, the role of Muni Charitable Foundation (MCF) is to work as a facilitator to improve the education delivery system of the school. It does not interfere in the ownership and related matters. MCF plays the role of a knowledge partner and works closely with school to ensure that all benefits of the Muni Education Model are available to students.

The model offers an environment where all five pillars of school system viz. Students, Teachers, Management Parents and Society are benefited and empowered on a regular basis.

Learn more about ‘Powered by’ model of association by downloading our brochure

Muni Charter Model

The Muni Charter Model is a combination of PPP model and Powered by Model. In simpler terms it’s a franchise model for private schools who wish to implement Muni Methodologies in their schools. Once school gets affiliated (takes up franchise) Muni International provides training to teachers and administration, helps in implementation of Muni Methodology, and then provides monitoring and consulting of Schools.

Learn more about Muni Charter model of association by downloading our brochure

Financial Assistance