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Muni Education Model – Community impact

School on Wheels

This was launched for the benefit of underprivileged children who cannot reach a school for any reason. To make education available to such children we are taking a school on wheels to their doorstep.

School Quality Enhancement Program (SQEP)

Potenitally 37,000 schools with around 84 lakh students in Gujarat will be impacted by the SQEP programme under the flagship intiative "Teach For Nation" launched by Muni Charitable Foundation.

Community work

Students are given responsibility of teaching whatever they learnt in school to 5 or 10 children in their nearby community. Students soon become aware that the best way to learn is to teach others. Students visit other schools to teach Japanese.

Sustainability activities

Students are sensitized that air, water, soil, trees etc. are common resources that belong to the society and their sustainability can happen only by saving and protecting them. This has resulted in a sharp drop in the school electricity bill for example.

“Ek Mutthi” (“One fistful”) program

Student brings one fistful of grains or pulses etc. from their homes so that every month there would be two fistfuls. On the last working day of the month all students take the collected grains etc. to a university for the blind, or to a blind school hostel or an orphanage. They may also take extra clothing that they can donate.

Program to contain hyperactivity

The last working day is a holiday and reserved for children to do social work. In this program, students who are hyperactive pay a visit to the hospital trauma centre. They offer services at the trauma centre. They realize consequences of hyperactivity or rash behavior in the outside world. They empathize with people in pain.

Expansion – CSR Model

Dr. Ashok Kumar Thakur has a vision that every Budget private school and Government school should implement Muni Model of Education. His dream is to make this available to every child in the underprivileged and deprived sections of society.

Despite severe constraints of infrastructure and facilities, learning outcomes in these schools are equal to, or better than, those schools that do not have such constraints or have abundant resources

However from an implementation and sustainability point of view this requires financial resources since these schools do have limited resources. The manifestation of this vision needs greater commitment and support from all sections of society especially from organizations through CSR Funds.

The Ripple Effect