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Advantages of Muni Education Model

By comparing the Muni Education Model with the Finland Education Model one can judge for themselves the edge that MEM has over the Finland Model of Education in their respective contexts.

The twin revolutions in information technology and biotechnology confront us with the biggest challenges our species has ever encountered. The merger of InfoTech and Biotech might soon push billions of humans out of the job market and undermine both liberty and equality. Big Data algorithms might create digital dictatorships in which all power is concentrated in the hands of a tiny elite while most people suffer not from exploitation, but from something far worse – irrelevance. (Taken from the book – 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari)

Comparative study reflects that MEM is transformative in nature with capability to address some of the most pressing challenges facing the 21st century education systems worldwide including scalability and variation in student performance.

The MEM model by design ensures that each student understands his/her intrinsic value or utility (‘Upayogita’) which makes them well equipped to deal with irrelevance. In short they become well equipped to re-imagine themselves under changing circumstances and stay relevant!

Advantages of Muni Education Model

Muni Education Model Outcomes

Consistent format of facilitation of education from LKG to 10th grade

Consistent and natural method of facilitating value education

Continuous R&D and Innovation for staying relevant during changing times

Exponential learning capability in students

Self-organization,Self-management,Self-reliance in students

Holistic development of student

Elimination of large variations in student results

Elimination of major dependency on teacher qualifications, motivation, capacity, skills, training and individual dispositions

Increased loyalty and reverence of the student towards school and teachers

Stress free students, teachers and parents

International quality education at affordable fees

Scalability of the model due to simplicity and universality

12 Traits for which parents choose
Muni International School for their children

Understands co-existence
Spiritually aware
Emotionally Intelligent
Intellectually sharp
Understands how to stay relevant
Develops habits of a futurist
  • Right behavior
  • In harmony with self,others and rest of nature
  • Positive attitude
  • Socially Strong
  • Understands and fulfils relationships
  • Self-organized, Self-managed,Self-reliant
  • Learns Practically
  • Holistic outlook