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About us

The role of education is to facilitate students to have the understanding, commitment, competence and the practice of living with definite human conduct and to participate in the development of a humane society. Education that helps them to start from values within - and enhance sensitivity towards others.

The most curious, energetic and current arrivals
on planet earth are our children

A few questions that we need to ask ourselves about our children:

What are we doing to sustain their curiosity?

How are we channelizing their phenomenal energy?
How are we enabling them to stay current and relevant?
What is the purpose of their education?

What do we wish for them?

Can we lean forward into the future to get a glimpse of what is waiting to emerge from and through our children?

What we have been doing for a long time now is, put our children through a schooling system that asks them to keep quiet and pay all their attention to a teacher for the next 12 years.The teacher then transfers information to them, which they are expected to store and then further expected to retrieve that information during exams. Those who retrieve with highest fidelity are celebrated by society and others are soon forgotten.

While all this is happening teachers are returning home every day sapped of energy and stressed out trying to comply with unrelenting demands of the education system. Same is the case with students and parents. It leaves them mostly stressed and clueless about the purpose of such an arduous everyday drill. After graduation Industry feels that graduates are not Industry ready. Once the graduates raise a family they realized they are not prepared for that either!

The Muni Education Model (MEM) is a unique system of learning offered to school students. This is a child centric model. The breakthrough methodologies used in this Model are not only innovative but also comprehensive and adequate enough to address some of the most pressing pain points confronting students and schools in the 21st century. In order to get an idea of how MEM compares with the world renowned Finland model please download our comparison document from our download page by clicking here.

In addition to this the methodologies facilitate students, to realize the wish list of their parents in the most humane way. This model is developed with consistent efforts of over a decade and a half by Dr. Ashok Kumar Thakur, the visionary founder of Muni International School (MIS) and his team.

The School has been widely recognized by various national and international bodies for its distinct method of education and its high potential for societal impact as well as its impact on consistent and commendable student performance. Skills development is obviously given adequate attention, since it’s a national and global priority.

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Tech For Nation

A School and Student transformation program for Tech For Nation


To provide the benevolent hand holding of deserving yet underprivileged individuals from where they are right now in their lives until they become capable enough to earn their livelihood and engage with society by providing and supporting education that empowers them to achieve this.


To support education for the self-sustenance and eventual prosperity of the underprivileged.


Those benefited by this support structure can be expected to form future communities that will take this work forward with a sense of give back to society.

Project EmFlower

A School and Student transformation program for Social empowerment

Public Private Partnership Model

Public Private Partnership Model is a concept where Government and Private sector engage to work together for a common objective.

Powered by Model

The implementation of Muni Education Model under ‘Powered By Model’ with schools especially private schools is a very powerful and unique way of working together.

Muni Charter Model

The Muni Charter Model is a combination of PPP model and Powered by Model. In simpler terms it’s a franchise model for private schools who wish to implement Muni Methodologies in their schools.